Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tips for Healthy, Shiny Hair

Great hair doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You don’t need to spend money on expensive high-end products, or even go to the salon every month. All it takes is a little TLC to get your hair back to its natural health and shine.

Tip #1

Preventive Care: Don’t let your hair be a victim to the environment. Protect it by deep conditioning once a week or using a hair mask. This will fortify your strands, making them much healthier and easier to manage. So treat your hair to some spa time every week and within a month, you’ll definitely see a difference!

Tip #2

Skip the Heat: I cannot tell you how important it is that you skip the blowdrier/straightener/curler as much as possible! On your days off where you’re not leaving the house for example, why not let your hair air dry to its natural state? The more heat you put on your hair, the more you dry out the strands, leaving your hair weak, brittle, and not very healthy. If you must blowdry every day, make sure you do it at the lowest heat setting possible. Yes, it does take a little longer, but especially for those with thin hair like mine, it can make a world of difference! Also, don’t forget that ceramic irons are much more gentler on your hair than non-ceramic ones, so be sure you use the best kind.

Tip #3

Don’t rub! After getting out of the shower, PAT your hair dry and then wrap it in a towel. But under no circumstance should you rub your hair dry since that causes breakage which will eventually lead to split ends.

Tip #4

Brush With Care: The way you brush your hair is very crucial to its health. Never pull on it too hard – you’ll end up pulling out strands! If your hair gets easily tangled, brush it slowly and with care starting at the ends and working your way up – especially if your hair is wet.

Tip #5

Skip a Day: One of the best advices I was given by my hairdresser was to not wash my hair every day. Sure, it may sound a little gross, but washing your hair every single day strips it of its natural oils, which leaves your hair dry and brittle. Instead, wash your hair every other day to retain essential oils.

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